Sunday, April 28, 2024

House Baratheon Game Of Thrones Guide

king robert of the house baratheon

Almost immediately after Joffrey's death, Tywin Lannister begins to lecture Tommen on the traits of a good king. As Tommen has yet to come of age to rule in his own name, besides being rather timid and submissive by nature, Tywin is easily able to manipulate him, ensuring it is truly Tommen's grandfather who rules the Seven Kingdoms in all but name. After Tywin's death, however, authority over the realm was seized by Tommen's mother Cersei, who seeks to continue her rule as Queen Regent.

Family tree

king robert of the house baratheon

Before he dies, he has Ned scribe a document that details that Ned shall be named the Protector of the Realm until Joffrey comes of age. Robert appointed Lord Jon Arryn as the Hand of the King, and Jon was an able and effective administrator, repairing relations with Dorne which had turned sour after Lannister bannermen slew Princess Elia Martell during the Sack and preventing another war. Following the Night King's defeat and the destruction of the White Walkers and the army of the dead, Daenerys Targaryen legitimizes Gendry as Gendry Baratheon, naming him Robert's lawful son and the new Lord of Storm's End. However, his wife Cersei reveals that she had one stillborn son by him, which is not the case in the novels, where Cersei uses guile and trickery to prevent him from ever actually engaging in sexual intercourse with her while drunk.

Could Gendry Baratheon Win Game Of Thrones' Iron Throne - Refinery29

Could Gendry Baratheon Win Game Of Thrones' Iron Throne.

Posted: Sat, 18 May 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]


Robert Baratheon is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones, where he is portrayed by English actor Mark Addy. In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Robert is in his mid-thirties when the events of the books begin. King Robert I Baratheon was the seventeenth ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the first king of the Baratheon dynasty. According to the TV series official pronunciation guide developed for the cast and crew, "Baratheon" is pronounced "Buh-RATH-ee-un".

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Though he was reluctant to fight against the dragons, Lord Borros seized King’s Landing during the Moon of the Three Kings and got promised that his daughter would marry Aegon, who had lost his wife and children to the war. After Aerys’s murder at the hands of Ser Jaime Lannister, Robert Baratheon becomes the seventeenth ruler of the seven kingdoms, and is named King Robert I Baratheon. He chose Jon Arryn to become his Hand, and at his advice, and after Lyanna’s death he married Cersei Lannister, forging a bond with House Lannister. He also spared many loyalists of House Targaryen, including Barristan Selmy and Lord Varys.

This maintains Dorne's neutrality and at least keeps it from actively joining Joffrey's enemies, though the Martells do not outright send troops to aid his faction. Despite Cersei's protests, Myrcella is sent to Dorne via ship to secure the pact. As he was the bastard son of King Robert Baratheon, he was a member of House Baratheon.

Are the Baratheons Targaryens?

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Game of Thrones: Season 5

He got betrothed to her but already had a bastard daughter called Mya Stone. At the 281 AC tourney in Harrenhal, he partook in the melee, and Prince of Dragonstone, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, the heir to the Iron Throne, won the joust. After winning, Prince Rhaegar crowned Lyanna, the queen of love and beauty, over his wife, Elia.

His hard rough hands gave him a better grip on weapons, heightening his fighting prowess. However, after defeating the Greyjoys in the Greyjoy Rebellion, he started gaining weight due to drinking. His face gets reddened from the excessive drinking, and he develops a double chin, which he hides underneath his beard. Robert demands that Eddard ride with him on one of the days on their journey. Ned insists that Robert shouldn't give so much power to Jaime Lannister, and offers Stannis Baratheon or Robert Arryn as potential Wardens of the East. At Castle Darry, Robert is called upon to judge Arya Stark for her attack on the crown prince.

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king robert of the house baratheon

During the hunt, Robert is attended by his squire, Lancel Lannister, who provides him his wine. Robert grows overly drunk, and is fatally maimed in a fight with a wild boar, though he kills the beast in return. He is brought back to King's Landing, where he is attended by Grand Maester Pycelle.

Robert was incredibly strong all of his life, and wielded a warhammer in battle that proved nigh-impossible for anyone else to wield. However, Robert was also a fierce swordsman, described as entering the Battle of the Bells with a sword in hand and surviving. He maintained a ferocious voice throughout his life, one that could rally whole armies to him. King Robert I Baratheon was the first king of the Baratheon dynasty to sit on the Iron Throne of Westeros. He was the eldest son and heir of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont and formerly the Lord of Storm's End. Stannis fought for Robert through the war though the two brothers never loved each other.[7][19] Robert tells Eddard Stark "You were the brother I chose." Despite Stannis's service during the war, Robert made Renly the Lord of Storm's End following his victory.

Stannis therefore declared himself Robert's lawful successor as king, being the elder of Robert's two younger brothers. Metaphorically revealing Joffrey's "true colors", this reflects how he was never particularly close to Robert, while he was doted on and indulged by Cersei, so he always thought of himself more as a Lannister. After Robert’s death, Stannis claims the Iron Throne, stating his niece and nephews are illegitimate. His brother, Renly, allies with House Tyrell and marries Margaery Tyrell. During the war, Renly gets assassinated by a shadow sent by Melisandre, a Red Priestess of R’hllor. The castle of Storm’s End falls into Stannis’s hand, and he sails for King’s Landing.

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He was disdainful at some of the processes that were required to govern the realm, leaving it to his small council. However, this meant that if he were to return to war, he would be unrelenting and ferocious, as proven during the Greyjoy Rebellion. In his youth, Robert is fearless in battle with a powerful voice, wielding a large spiked iron war hammer too heavy for Eddard Stark to lift, and was a formidable warrior well-loved by soldiers. Though headstrong, rash, and impatient, Robert can be merciful towards his enemies as long as they are honest and brave, and can inspire loyalty and friendship in even enemies via charisma alone. Although deconditioned after becoming king due to weight gain and frequent drinking, Jaime Lannister still believes that Robert is stronger than him. According to Stannis, he liked the making of children well enough, but after birth they were a bother to him.

Following the establishment of the Spanish missions in California, the diocese of the Two Californias was established on 1840, when the Los Angeles region was still part of Mexico. In 1848, Mexican California was ceded to the United States, and the U.S. portion of the diocese was renamed the Diocese of Monterey. The diocese was renamed the Diocese of Monterey-Los Angeles in 1859, and the episcopal see was moved to Los Angeles upon the completion of the Cathedral of Saint Vibiana in 1876. Los Angeles split from Monterey to become the Diocese of Los Angeles-San Diego in 1922. The diocese was split again in 1936 to create the Diocese of San Diego, and the Los Angeles was seen elevated to an archdiocese. The archdiocese's present territory was established in 1976, when Orange County was split off to establish the Diocese of Orange.

House Tully had also been done insult, as Brandon had been betrothed to Lord Hoster's daughter Catelyn. Some hard and fast politicking was done by Lord Jon and it was agreed that Catelyn would marry Eddard and Hoster's eldest daughter Lysa would marry Jon. News of the kidnap was slow to reach the Eyrie, where Robert and Eddard were staying at the time, and by the time they learned it Eddard and Lyanna's eldest brother Brandon Stark had already gone to King's Landing to confront Rhaegar.

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